Eden Burger Featured on WSYX Best Bite
Book + Street™ client Eden Burger was recently featured on WSYX’s Best Bite segement with Good Day Columbus' Phil Kelly.
Book + Street Client BYBE Featured on Amazon Web Services Blog
Book + Street™ Client BYBE was recently featured on the Amazon Web Services blog.
Client Hopewell Highlighted in Columbus CEO as Coworking Evolves in Columbus
Read how our client, Hopewell, founded by Brian Zuercher is changing the Coworking Space game in Columbus.
Founder + CEO Michelle Murcia on the Conquering Columbus Podcast
Listen in as Michelle Murcia, Founder + CEO visits the Conquering Columbus Podcast.
Tune into Brooke Yoakam on 614Startups Podcast
614Startups talks with GiftPocket® Founder and CEO Brooke Yoakam about her entrepreneurial journey founding GiftPocket when she was only 16 years old.
Startups Find the Financial Expertise They Need with Book + Street
A startup doesn’t go from zero to raise capital. There are a lot of steps in between – and getting a company’s finances in order is often a major hurdle. Metropreneur looks at how Book+Street ™ is helping startups around the MidWest