Working from Home - How's that Working?
Working from home? How’s that working for you? Finding yourself OVER working from home? Read our blog on how to beat work-from-home distractions, find a coworking space or get creative with an “out of the box” solution!
Cash Flow Forecast: Why you Need One, Right Now
Now more than ever, Cash Flow is the most important way to monitor your ongoing business operations. Because we’re in such uncertain times right now, companies -- small businesses especially -- should focus on the next 30, 60 and 90 days (instead of thinking six months to a year out, for example). How do you as a startup founder create a Cash Flow Forecast and actually use it to your advantage?
Set Your Business Up for Success in 2020
Our tips for setting yourself and your business up for success in a new decade.
Michelle Murcia Featured on 614Startups Impact Report
Michelle Murcia was recently featured on the 614Startups Impact Report. Read how their podcast made an impact on Book + Street’s business.
Client Hopewell Highlighted in Columbus CEO as Coworking Evolves in Columbus
Read how our client, Hopewell, founded by Brian Zuercher is changing the Coworking Space game in Columbus.
Startups Find the Financial Expertise They Need with Book + Street
A startup doesn’t go from zero to raise capital. There are a lot of steps in between – and getting a company’s finances in order is often a major hurdle. Metropreneur looks at how Book+Street ™ is helping startups around the MidWest
7 Tools Successful Startups Can't Live Without
7 tools to help build your startup and make entrepreneurship easier.