May: Clients in the News!

Color Coded Labs

Client Color Coded Labs, a Black-owned coding boot camp, has officially launched in Columbus' King-Lincoln District, interviewing applicants for their first cohort, with the goal of helping them up-level professionally through coding and engineering. Color Coded Labs seeks to finally move the needle on diversity in the tech sector. “We invested in this model to help create a culture that will drive that success and allow our talent to support their future growth, as well as to help grow the Central Ohio economy.” Read the full article in Columbus Business First.

Matrix Meats
As so many of us start noticing the way our eating affects the planet, many “meat-alternative” products have hit the market. Our client, Matrix Meats, provides technology that utilizes nano-fiber scaffold design to produce cultivated meat. Co-founder and CEO, Eric Jenkusky, spoke to Food Manufacturing about what goes into cultivated meat production and its outlook. Read the full article (and prepare to have your mind blown!). Read the full article.


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